
Once you have been accepted to 正规买球app排行大学 and submitted both your Certificate of 金融 and corresponding financial support documents, 以及护照身份证页的复印件, the 国际学生项目办公室 can issue an I-20 to you. You will receive an email with the electronic copy of your Form I-20 so that you may schedule your student visa appointment. Read through the tips provided below on how to prepare for your student visa appointment.




  1. 与祖国的联系
    在你.S. 法律, 申请非移民签证的人, 比如F-1学生签证, are viewed as “intending immigrants” (who want to live permanently in the U.S.) until they can convince the consular officer that they are not. 你必须, 因此, be able to show that you have reasons for returning to 你的祖国 that are stronger than reasons for remaining in the 美国 and that you intend to depart the 美国 at the conclusion of your studies.

"Ties" to 你的祖国 are the things that bind you to your hometown, 国土, 或目前居住地:工作, 家庭, 你将拥有或继承的财务前景, 投资, 等. 如果你是未来的学生, the interviewing officer may ask about your specific intentions or promise of future employment, 家庭或其他关系, 教育目标, 成绩, 长期的计划, 和职业前景 你的祖国. 每个人的情况都不一样, 当然, 没有神奇的解释或单一的文件, 证书, 或能保证签证发放的信件.

  1. 英语
    Anticipate that the interview will be conducted in 英语 and not in your native language. One suggestion is to practice 英语 conversation with a native speaker before the interview, 但是不要准备演讲. If you are coming to the 美国 to study intensive 英语, be prepared to explain how 英语 will be useful for you in 你的祖国.
  2. 为你自己说话
    Do not bring parents or 家庭 members with you to the interview. 领事官员想要采访的是你,不是你的家人. A negative impression is created if you are not prepared to speak on your own behalf.
  3. 了解这个项目,以及它如何符合你的职业规划
    If you are not able to articulate the reasons you will study in a particular program in the 美国, you may not succeed in convincing the consular officer that you are indeed planning to study, 而不是移民. You should also be able to explain how studying in the 美国 relates to your future professional career when you return home.
  4. 是简洁
    因为收到了大量的申请, all consular officers are under considerable time pressure to conduct a quick and efficient interview. They must make a decision on the impressions they form during the first minute or two of the interview. Consequently, what you say first and the initial impressions you create are critical to your success. Keep your answers to the officer's questions short and to the point.
  5. 附加的文档
    It should be clear at a glance to the consular officer what written documents you are presenting and what they signify. Lengthy written explanations cannot be quickly read or evaluated. Remember that you will have 2-3 minutes of interview time, if you're lucky.
  6. 不同的国家有不同的要求
    Applicants from countries suffering economic problems or from countries where many students have remained in the 美国 as immigrants will have more difficulty getting visas. 统计, applicants from those countries are more likely to be asked about job opportunities at home after their study in the 美国.

几个你.S. consulates around the globe have created YouTube videos which explain the visa process at their specific posts. 一定要检查你具体的美国国籍.S. 查看是否有新的YouTube视频.

另外,一定要检查美国的护照.S. 国务院的 签证预约和处理等待时间 网页, to find average visa appointment and processing wait times at the consulate where you will be applying for your visa.

  1. 就业
    Your main purpose of coming to the 美国 should be to study, 不是为了毕业前或毕业后的工作机会. 然而,许多学生在学习期间在校外工作, such employment is incidental to their main purpose of completing their U.S. 教育. 你必须 be able to clearly articulate your plan to return home at the end of your program. 如果你的配偶也在申请F-2签证, 请注意,F-2家属不能, 在任何情况下, 在美国工作. 如果问, be prepared to address what your spouse intends to do with his or her time while in the 美国. Volunteering in the community and attending school part-time are permitted activities.
  2. 留在家中的受养人
    If your spouse and children are remaining behind in your country, be prepared to address how they will support themselves in your absence. This can be an especially tricky area if you are the primary source of income for your 家庭. If the consular officer gains the impression that your 家庭 members will need you to remit money from the 美国 in order to support themselves, 你的学生签证申请几乎肯定会被拒绝. 如果你的家人决定晚些时候和你在一起, it is helpful to have them apply at the same post where you applied for your visa.
  3. 保持积极的态度
    不要和领事官员争论. 如果你的学生签证被拒, ask the officer for a list of documents he or she would suggest you bring in order to overcome the refusal, 试着把你被拒绝的原因写下来.

来源: NAFSA International Student and Scholar Regulatory Practice Travel subcommittee resources